Saturday, June 7, 2008

My Bday

Forgot to mention I had a WONDERFul Birthday thanks to my loving Husband. When we went to Nebaska Furniture Mart to pick out our appliances for our house he bought me a new laptop. So he is going to use my old one for work realted stuff. And of course we still have the house computer but Alex is on that thing all the time. LOL So on my bday we went to Olive Garden for dinner and then we went to the Casino. Wonderful dinner and the Casino was not nice to me at all. But the most important thing is that I had a great time and it was spent with Shawn and Alex. Thank you guys for a great Birthday.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great to hear you have a great husband and moving into your own house. I remember moving into our house nearly 30 years ago it was exciting. I would love to have your address and phone number if that is posible. I am not sure if you knew that Judy and I moved to Sun Praire Wisconsin about 18 months ago. We are about 5 miles North of Madison the capital. I have collected many items from the Green Bay Packers and would like to send them to Alex. Hope to hear from you, Love Dad and Judy