Sunday, February 24, 2008

Warmer Weather ?????

Please some time soon ??

I Did it !!! Yippee !!!

Ok so I bowl on Sunday nights on a 36 week long league and I had to share the great news. I bowled a 223 tonight and was highly proud of myself. Now if I could just keep doing that I'd be even more happier. LOL !!! It's quite funny because Shawn and I bowl on a Tuesday night league and on Tuesday he bowled a 221 so I got him by two pins. High five for Danielle. LOL Anyways have a great week and with any luck I will bowl another 200 game very very soon. Wink Wink.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Family is sick

Well I must have had some kind of Flu last week cause I think I got Shawn sick. Last Friday he got home from work around 7:30a.m. and it hit him hard. He had a 102 temp and had the body aches. I finally got him in to the Doctor on Tues and the Doc said that he had the Flu. Shawn got it alot worse than I did. I think I have him convinced that the shot is worth getting that is if it can protect you in all the many ways. LOL So after him being sick my son wakes up on Monday with a 101 temp and has been out of school all week long. That would normally be a kids wish is to stay home but not when you are sick. But Shawn is better now and is back to work tonight so I am sitting home all alone. LOL Alex is with his Dad and I think he's coming back tomorrow night to stay cause his Dad is going to Las Vegas. So lets hope for a better week and that we all are feeling better.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Winter weather sucks !!!!

I guess you could say we are the fortuate ones cause we could've had much more snow than that. Thank goodness we didn't. It's not that I don't like it I just hate the cold weather. I love driving in the snow yeah I know I am a goofball for saying that but it's fun. LOL. I so can't wait for warmer weather to approach us. Not to mention the faster it gets to June the happier I will be. Shawn and I will hopefully be buying a house this year and we will start looking in April and May. So wish us luck.